Tailoring professional development to your schools needs

professional development opportunities for teachers-The Therapy Arch-Playing with blocks

Play skills professional development

  • Studies shown play is essential in the development of:

    • Social skills and effective communication.

    • Adaptability and resilience

    • Creativity

    • Impulse control and emotional regulation

    • Developing our frontal lobes to be analytical thinkers and problem solvers

    • Understanding narratives and context of narrative in stories, which then support ongoing studies.

  • Louise can tailor professional development to your schools’ specific needs. Whether it be a few hours or some sessions throughout the term, in and out of the classroom.

professional development opportunities for teachers-The Therapy Arch-Playing in sandpit

Motor skills professional development

  • Fine and gross motor skills development are the essential building blocks for doing our everyday tasks.

    Louise can provide support for schools to integrate into motor activities everyday school life. Support what schools are already achieving in this space

  • Louise can tailor professional development to your schools’ specific needs. Whether it be a few hours or some sessions in and out of the classroom.

professional development opportunities for teachers-The Therapy Arch-Pencil with shavings

Handwriting professional development

  • Studies have shown that:

    o Reading, writing and spelling brain circuitry is all connected. Improvements in handwriting can improve reading and spelling.

    o Children with better handwriting become better readers.

    o Difficulty in handwriting can lead to avoidance.

    Louise can provide support for schools to integrate into handwriting activities everyday school life.

  • Louise can tailor professional development to your schools’ specific needs. Whether it be a few hours or some sessions in and out of the classroom.